Cristal Walker
I came to Bill Howey’s class at the recommendation of a friend and I’ve really come to feel at home here. Bill is really direct with his students and never sugarcoats anything which I like. I’ve been to classes where the instructors will just tell you you’re fabulous even if it’s not true which is a complete disservice to an actor. Bill challenges me every week to not just rest on what I know that I’m capable of doing, but to go that extra mile and push myself above and beyond. Along the way, I’ve discovered how to take more risks and to not be stuck in just one way of doing a scene. I’m encouraged to really think outside the box and to come up with several different ways of doing things and to just try things out. When the critiques are done, Bill never fails to come up to you with what I like to call the “after critique” and offer you even more invaluable insight and advice. My acting and confidence has improved by leaps and bounds since starting Bill’s class. He’s a teacher that really cares about you, nurtures your talents, and pushes you to the limit. I couldn’t ask for more!
TV Series: Channel Surfing (2015), Hungry (2014), A Girl’s Guide to Blacking Out (2013)Missing Persons (1993.)
Feature: Seattle Road (2015) K-Town (2009)
Short: Abnormal Depression (2012,) Choices (2012)